Is Hair Loss Genetic? The Science Says…

It seems that since genetics has become known to mankind, one of its biggest problems, that being hair loss has been linked to it. Some say it truly is genetic and therefore, people who have this problem are screwed, while others are not as convinced.  We decided that this article would go ahead and explore … [Read more…]

Does Salicylic Acid Cause Hair Loss?

We’re led to believe that Salicylic Acid’s great treatment for hair loss, by people who market it, but does this particular thing actually cause the opposite? This seems to be the question that keeps getting asked over and over. The reason we bring this up is that the minute you do a search for this product … [Read more…]

What Are The Reasons For Hair Loss in Women? Causes And Solutions Revealed.

Hair loss, particularly for women can be very emotional and devastating. This article will explore the major reasons why this happens but more importantly, the solutions to stopping and reversing that problem. Let’s first explore what causes hair loss (in women): According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, the most common reason women lose hair … [Read more…]